Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Putting the "Wow" Back In SamWow, Part Two

Okay, so yesterday I rolled out "Putting the 'Wow' Back In SamWow, Part One" and well, quite frankly no one saw it, which is fine.  I'm writing it for me so I can get my thoughts together, and if I can touch someone with what I write that's even better.  However, I will say it is a bit different from my usual stuff like my posts about the mall, America's favorite Frenchman Herve Benoit, or my chilling expose on potty talk because those were built for speed and laughs. 

These on the other hand, are built for longevity.  I'm trying to devlop as a person and keep myself from doing something stupid, but enough random talking; let's get into it. 

A week ago, I had an idea for something I jokingly called "Hugs Without Borders" and it's my millionth crazy scheme. Hopefully this one sticks.

So what is "Hugs Without Borders"?  Well, it's not me flying all over the world like the great folks with Doctors Without Borders (Who you can donate to here.), even though I would totally do that if it was do-able.

It's driving out of your way to see a friend in need, even if they're too proud to admit it.  It's smiling at a stranger and wishing them a good day as you step off the elevator.  It's giving up your seat on a crowded bus so someone else can sit down.  It's holding the door open for a mother and her children.  It's calling your parents, or anyone really, to just chat.  It's paying the toll for the car behind you.  It's making that one dollar donation at the grocer's checkout to help find a cure for prostate cancer.  It's dropping a few dollars extra on a tip.  It's dancing like a fool to make a friend laugh.  It's story telling to get someone's mind out of a dark place.

But at it's simplest core, it's a gesture, no matter how small, where you put yourself aside and make someones day, change a frown into a smile, and maybe get that person to do the same for someone else.  Picture the movie "Pay It Forward", just without Kevin Spacey, Haley Joel Osment, Jon Bon Jovi, and Jay Mohr (And I think Helen Hunt was in it, but it might have been Meg Ryan, they're the same person in my book).  That's what I'm going for here, it's not some earth shattering idea like the Chillow, it's something we all know  about but don't act upon enough.

Some of you might laugh, and dismiss this as some stupid little scheme and I understand.  I'm not going to argue with it, you can't please everyone and that's not why I'm here.  I just want to bring so good into the world and spread it like butter.

I want to follow in the steps of Kid President, Randy Pausch, Zach Sobiech, or any of the millions of other people who's stories, actions, and lives have inspired the world. 

That's all for now.  Until next time.

Editor's Note // All those links at the bottom are things you really should watch if you want to get on board or just get inspired.  Just as a disclaimer the Randy Pausch video is over an hour long but it's amazing.  His bio is here if you want a quick hitter but nothing tops the video (Or the book, which made me cry like a baby and I would love to buy it for you if you want it...maybe.).

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