Tuesday, September 11, 2012

These Are "Top Tens"...Until I come up with a better title...

"So my good friend SamWow (@therealSamWow and at this site) and I (@tiwytk and at this site) had a brilliant, booze fueled idea this past weekend. It started with a comment about people who have dry weddings hating all their friends and quickly evolved into a 10 things you need to know to have a good wedding. We hope to have quite a few of these 10 things posts so hopefully you'll enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed writing them. If you don't then take a few moments to pretend I'm deeply hurt by your lack of approval and then continue on with your day. Love ya, mean it.  Really, we do.

1. Don't have a dry wedding. Chances are you're friends won't like you very much because lets be real, people don't really want to think about how happy other people are while sober.

2. Don't plan your wedding on the same day as a major sporting event. It's just rude. (Note: the only two days of the year in which there are no professional sports games (MLB, NBA, NHL, OR NFL) are the days before and the day after the Major League All star Game.)

3. Make sure there's hotties invited for your single friends. Just because you're getting married doesn't mean you're both done being a good wingman/wing woman.

4. Dance floor. Everyone should see G-Swizzle and SamWow do the "Shamlbin".

5. No reception line. I've always found this to be awkward. You're not a celebrity and you're family members probably aren't either. So lets just skip this and move on to the food and drinks!

6. Don't invite exes (Ted and Stella wedding episode anyone?). If you're that committed to making your ex to see how much better off you are without them, maybe you shouldn't be getting married.  We're looking at you, Eileen.

7. Food. Have lots of it. Simple as that.  And make sure there's finger food so people don't starve while waiting for the main courses, that communion wafer at mass doesn't fill anyone up.

8. For the brides, spare us the bridezilla behavior. Contrary to pop cultures misguiding TV shows, planning a wedding does not suddenly give you the right to crap on the people around you whenever you have a mood.

9. For the grooms, pick your battles during the planning. That's all I'm gonna say.

10. You know that frat brother/sorority sister that always got really drunk in college and was a huge sloppy mess that you think will be a good time? Just don't. I gaurantee they won't be as much fun as you remember."

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