Sunday, May 20, 2012

SamWow versus the Gym

That's right.  I go to the gym, Planet Fitness to be exact, (A reasonable one dollar sign up fee?  Then only ten dollars a month?  Sign me up for those amazingly low prices!  Shameless plug, hopefully someone will see it and PAY ME).

Why do I go to the gym you ask?  Well clearly it's to clean up with the ladies, or because I like hanging out in sweaty locker rooms, or because I'm fat.  Hint, it's the last one.

Now, I'm not fat fat, but I could stand to lose about twenty or so pounds and I've been working hard on it.  I'm eating better, drinking only sugar free soda (And trying really hard to cut out all soda), and trying to have under 25 grams of sugar a day.  I made a deal with myself at the start of the year and decided to try and lose 30ish pounds by January 2013.

So far, that goal isn't looking great.  It's really tough to lose weight when you sit around writing, talking, and working a desk job.  Like right now, I should be going to the gym but instead I'm watching "Taxi" (You know...with Queen Latifah, Jimmy Fallon, and Giesle Bundchen) and flipping back and forth between the Western Conference Finals in the NHL and watching the Heat get beat by the Pacers (AGAIN!).

Why am I writing this post about how bad I am about going to the gym?  Cuz I'm hoping this will keep me honest in going, at the end of each post, I'm gonna list how many times I went to the gym and my weight after each trip.  So basically, this post is entirely for me.

So you're probably asking "They why the hell am I reading this?"  Cuz I have the t-shirt designs.  Check out the front and back and let me know the size you want, if you want a shirt that is, and I'll try to scrape an order together.

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