Ok guys, so this is my first ever "Celebrity Guest Post" and in case you're wondering all that really means is that one of my friends was bored enough to write a post. The inagural guest post was written by world famous movie producer Dave. I'd love to explain more about Dave but words aren't coming to me. Dude's my best friend and through him I've met some awesome people that I hope to have around for the rest of my life. Anyways, let's get into the post.
"Guest Post: Abandonment
It's hard for me to find words that are meaningful to me. It's damn near impossible for me to find words that are beautiful. However, by chance I found a few sentences that had both, and while you may disagree, the words I read were as follows:
"People come and people go. Some people stay for a while. Most people don't."
I recently had a conversation with my friend Matt who has been one of my best friends my entire life. We went to kindergarten together, played soccer together, adventured together, lived, loved, and laughed together. We know just about everything about eachother, yet despite what he told me something has been weighing heavy on my mind ever since. "We've got to do something this summer dude, a road trip or something, because pretty soon we'll have wives and kids and see each other only a few times a year."
When he said this, it stung a little but I couldn't be upset at him; I knew that he was right. We're all getting older every day and though day to day things don't change rapidly, the truth is people come and people go. Friendships all have an experation date. Even love is fleeting, and while I am saying this as a single man with no kids, I can tell you with experience that even families grow apart. Eventually kids move out and parents move on. It's hard to swallow, and in the end it doesn't matter if you agree or not because sooner or later you'll see it for yourself.
This thought can be a dark one, and if left unchecked it can have a real negative effect. Losing friends hurts, and I know people who say it's better to have loved and lost then to have never had a cliche preached to you so you can tune it out, but we are a species that remembers pain more than pleasure. I challenge you to think about an old lover without feeling a little bit of sadness of pain. Even if your on good terms and you can force yourself to remember the good times, it comes with a bit of sadness when you realize it's over. And if you aren't on good terms, you probably hate them for how things ended. If you can remember that without feeling anything then you're either very strong or cery cold. It's how we're built, we remember pain.
So why try for any friendships? Well, I'm a romantic and an optimist (if only in my own mind) and glaringly naive but before I discredit myself entirely, I'd like to share the beauty I found in the quote that started this. Yes people come and people go. And yes, more people are transient in you life, and yes, no one is permanent.
Except, of course, for you.
You will be stuck in your own head your entire life. So help you God, no one will ever understand what goes on up there, at least not entirely. No one will walk in your shoes or see the world through your eyes. And in the end, you're going to spend alot of time with yourself. Given that, you might as well make life as enjoyable as possible.
Personally, I get a lot of enjoyment out of talking about zombie apocalypses with Wes and talking about how viruses encode themselves into our DNA with Mike. I like going for walks with Sam in the woods and letting James talk me into asking a girl to dance (and having Katherine convince me the girl was a lesbian after she refused to dance with me). I like making up games with Kelly (The This That!) and I like bowling with Leah (even if she did it knowing Mike was going to get pissed). I promise you I'll enjoy that road trip with Matt. Even if it will make me sad to see it end. I know that all of my friends now will one day move on with husbands, wives, and families. I know we'll lose touch, but one day I'll be on my death bed and I'll be able to look back and remember the good times and the hard times. And even though many people will have come and gone, I'll at least be glad that I got to know them and share a little precious time together with them. And that's the beauty of it.
Bonanno out."
There we go, end of my first guest post. I can't really think of anything else to say to close this out but I love the post Dave wrote for me and I have wanted to write a similar post. Hopefully this will make other people want to guest blog for me (you can write about anything at all) and Kelly, Friend to the Stars, is writing the next one.